Friday, March 26, 2010


My daughter really loves laughing.. everything makes her laugh: jokes, funny video, even any uncommon face mimic could make her laugh :D. These are jokes that my daughter gave me recently. The source could be from anywhere: newspaper, magazines, friends, or she sometimes made them by her own. I share these just to make you guys laugh as well.. relax and laugh .. just like me when I got them!

Q : "What food does a ghost serve on halloween?"
A : "Ice-scream"

Q : "What is a tree's favourite drink?"
A : "Root-Beer"

Q : "What do mice do when they are at home?"
A : "Mouse work" ..(instead of house work :D)

Q : "Why did the lamb go out in the middle of the night?"
A : "It was sheep-walking!"

Q : "What letter does a sailor love?"
A : "It's C (sea)!"

Q : "What ballet does a squirrel love?"
A : "It's the nut-cracker!"

Q : "Why did boys bring ladders to school?"
A : "Because they wanted to go to high school!"

Q : "Why does a dog need fur?"
A : "So that no-one can smell his under-arm!"

Q : "What animal falls from the sky?"
A : "Rain-deers!"

Q : "How do you cut the sea?"
A : "By a see-saw!"

Q : "What do you call crows that stick together?"
A : "Velcro!"

Q : "How do bees go to school?"
A : "By buzz!"

Q : "what fish you see in space?"
A : "Star-fishes!"

Q : "Who is the mother of Ya?"
A : "MamaYa!" (because its father is PapaYa:D)

To be continued ...

1 comment:

Baktiar said...

Blogwalking sekalian ninggalin jejak... blog diari ya mbak, isinya gado-gado...
Aku linkback ke situsku ya... oh iya, itu ditambahin widgetnya biar termasuk alamat-alamat blog temen lain trus saling linkback biar cepet naik rating, ntar jadi lebih semangat nulis....